Now that the holiday season is upon us, businesses are looking for ways to optimize their marketing campaigns to boost sales. How can we help you? By ensuring that you are fully equipped with SEO Toronto tips and the proper web design Toronto for your website, you’ll be able to increase your traffic and further build a good online presence, which will increase your sales. Here are some of the tips you should remember!

Focus on the user’s mobile experience

Google has announced that their crawlers will prioritize excellent mobile experience. Now’s a good time as any to incorporate your magic in terms of web design Toronto.

Incorporate a festive theme

Everyone is in a festive mood, and you can use this to boost your sales and brand awareness. Make sure to incorporate a festive theme on your website, your company’s social media accounts, and even your newsletters!

Know your target audience

Of course, to successfully fulfill the last two points, you need to know your target audience. What do they like? What do they celebrate during the holiday season? Knowing this information allows you to tailor your holiday theme to something that will definitely have them clicking on the check-out button.

Know your competitors

Knowing your target audience is not enough. You also need to study what your competitors are up to. Remember, there are only a few slots on Google’s first page. You need to ensure that you are fully optimizing every single marketing and SEO strategy you can to ensure a spot at the top.

Add festive discounts

The holiday season is known for one thing: holiday discounts or grand sales. If you’ve been watching your competitors and their activities, then you would know that these are also one of their strategies.

Focus on customer service

Your products and how you attract customers should be as good as your customer service. During the holiday season, consumers will pay extra attention to companies that have excellent customer service despite an increase in people calling in about their products, sale discounts, and so on.

Build brand awareness before the sale starts

If you hire someone who is an expert on SEO Toronto, then they would advise that it would be best to build brand awareness before the sale starts. You need to tell your customers that you will have a grand sale on a particular date so they can mark their calendars.

Simplify your check-out options

Simplifying your check-out options is the same as improving your user’s mobile experience. The goal is to keep your customers on the page or within your website in order to increase your SEO ranking.

Have a clear call-to-action

Make sure to inform your web design Toronto team that now is as good as any to start updating and revising your website’s call-to-action buttons or links. It should be clear so as to improve your site’s user experience and keep bounce rates low.

Utilize your email list membership

Make sure also to use your email list to announce grand sales and discounted items or simply to remind them about a product left on their check-out carts!

Sell everywhere

One of the goals of SEO Toronto is to help you build brand awareness and an online presence that would make your company recognizable. Make sure your marketing campaigns are heard on every platform this holiday season!

If you’ve been having meetings after meetings with your marketing and sales team, yet you’re still not sure how to go about boosting your brand’s holiday sales, then make sure to remember the tips mentioned above.

SEO Toronto and proper web design Toronto can bring your brand to the next level. If you need the help of experts, our team at A.D. Pollock is always ready to help. Contact us today!


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