
Tracy Gill


Managed IT services have become an invaluable asset for businesses of all sizes. They provide the technical expertise and resources to help ensure that your business runs smoothly and efficiently while helping you maximize productivity and stay competitive in today’s rapidly changing world. In this article, we’ll dive into the world of managed IT services and explore how they can benefit your business.

Understanding Managed IT Services

Managed IT Services are a comprehensive package of IT support services that aim to streamline and simplify your technology-related tasks. They are typically offered by specialized providers and involve a proactive approach to managing, maintaining, and protecting your business’s IT infrastructure. These services are designed to optimize your technology and reduce downtime to help your business run smoothly and efficiently.

How Managed IT Services Can Benefit Your Business?

Minimized Downtime and Faster Problem Resolution

One of the most noteworthy benefits of managed IT services is that they help minimize downtime and reduce the time it takes to resolve problems. Since these service providers regularly monitor your network and IT systems, they can quickly identify, diagnose, and fix issues before they escalate into more significant problems.

Enhanced Efficiency and Productivity

A key advantage of managed IT services in Atlanta is their ability to improve your organization’s efficiency and productivity. By allowing your business to outsource its IT services, you can refocus your efforts on other important aspects of your business. Moreover, since managed IT service providers are highly trained and experienced in the latest technology, they can ensure that your systems are running optimally.

Improved Security and Compliance

The modern business landscape is fraught with cyber threats and regulations, making it more important than ever to safeguard your data and comply with industry standards. Managed IT service providers are knowledgeable about the latest security best practices and regulatory mandates and can help your business maintain a secure and compliant IT environment.

Cost-Efficiency and Predictable Expenses

With Managed IT Services, your business can benefit from predictable monthly expenses instead of the unexpected costs associated with in-house IT staff or one-time fixes. These services offer a more cost-effective solution, allowing you to allocate resources according to your organization’s needs while eliminating surprise IT expenditures.

Access to Expertise and Advanced Technologies

When you partner with a company offering managed IT services, you gain access to industry experts and cutting-edge technologies that may be out of reach otherwise. Having dedicated professionals who stay current with the latest trends can help your business stay ahead of the curve and maintain a competitive edge.

In Conclusion

Managed IT services are a great solution for businesses that want to optimize their technology investments, improve efficiency and productivity, and minimize downtime. By entrusting your IT management to a professional service provider, you can focus on your organization’s growth and success, knowing that your technology needs are in good hands. Thank you for reading!

The Internet of Things (IoT) has significantly changed industries by allowing devices to connect and exchange data seamlessly. With the continued growth of IoT, choosing the right IoT solution that fits your specific needs is essential. LoRa and LoRaWAN are two widely used options in the IoT field. This blog will discuss the differences between LoRa and LoRaWAN, their advantages, and factors to consider when selecting either of them.

Getting to know LoRa

LoRa, short for Long Range, is a low-power wide-area network (LPWAN) technology that enables long-range communication between devices. It utilizes a proprietary modulation technique known as chirp spread spectrum modulation, which allows for long-distance communication even in challenging environments. LoRa technology operates in unlicensed frequency bands, making it easily accessible for various applications.

One of the primary advantages of LoRa is its exceptional range. It can cover several kilometers in open areas, making it suitable for applications requiring long-range connectivity. Additionally, LoRa devices consume very little power, enabling long battery life for IoT devices. This feature is particularly beneficial for applications where devices need to operate for extended periods without frequent battery replacements. Cost-effectiveness is another advantage of LoRa, as it eliminates the need for costly infrastructure.

LoRa finds applications in various industries. For example, in agriculture, LoRa enables remote monitoring of soil moisture levels, temperature, and other environmental parameters, optimizing irrigation and crop management. Asset tracking is another common use case, where LoRa enables real-time tracking and monitoring of valuable assets, such as shipping containers or equipment, reducing the risk of loss or theft. In industrial environments, LoRa can facilitate remote monitoring of equipment and machinery, improving maintenance efficiency and reducing downtime.

A brief introduction to LoRaWAN

Long Range Wide Area Network is a networking protocol designed specifically for IoT applications using LoRa technology. It provides the framework for managing communication between end devices and network servers. LoRaWAN operates in a star-of-stars network topology, where end devices communicate with gateways that forward the data to a central network server.

LoRaWAN offers several advantages for IoT deployments. Firstly, it provides scalability, allowing for connecting thousands of devices within a single network. This makes LoRaWAN suitable for large-scale deployments like smart cities or industrial IoT applications. Bi-directional communication is another crucial feature of LoRaWAN. It enables devices to send data to the network server and receive commands or configuration updates, enhancing flexibility and functionality.

Data security is a significant concern in IoT deployments, and LoRaWAN addresses this by incorporating multiple layers of security. The protocol includes encryption mechanisms, authentication, and integrity checks to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of transmitted data. This makes LoRaWAN a reliable option for applications that handle sensitive data, such as healthcare or smart grid systems.

Comparing LoRa and LoRaWAN

While LoRa and LoRaWAN are often mentioned together, it’s essential to understand the distinction between them. LoRa refers to the physical layer technology, which enables long-range communication with low power consumption. On the other hand, LoRaWAN is the networking protocol built on top of LoRa, providing the necessary infrastructure and management capabilities for IoT deployments.

Both LoRa and LoRaWAN offer similar capabilities in terms of range and coverage. They can achieve long-range communication, covering several kilometers in open areas. However, LoRaWAN brings additional benefits in terms of scalability and network management. It allows for connecting many devices and provides efficient network maintenance and monitoring mechanisms.

Power consumption is another aspect to consider. LoRa devices are known for their low power consumption, enabling long battery life. LoRaWAN devices may consume slightly more power due to the additional networking functionalities. However, both options still offer excellent energy efficiency compared to other wireless technologies.

Data rate is another differentiating factor. LoRa technology supports lower data rates compared to LoRaWAN. While LoRa can handle small payloads and low data rates, LoRaWAN allows for higher and larger payloads, making it suitable for applications requiring more frequent and substantial data transmission.

Scalability is a critical consideration when choosing between LoRa and LoRaWAN. If your IoT deployment involves many devices or is expected to grow significantly in the future, LoRaWAN provides the necessary scalability features. It allows for efficient management of a vast number of devices within a single network, simplifying deployment and maintenance.

Infrastructure requirements should also be taken into account. LoRa technology requires the installation of LoRa gateways to establish connectivity between end devices and network servers. LoRaWAN, being a networking protocol, relies on these gateways to relay data to the central server. Therefore, when considering LoRaWAN, evaluating the availability of LoRa gateways in your target deployment area is crucial.

Factors to Consider when Choosing between LoRa and LoRaWAN

To make an informed decision between LoRa and LoRaWAN, consider the following factors:

1.   Specific Requirements

Assess your IoT project’s unique needs, such as range, data rate, scalability, and power consumption.

2.   Range and Coverage

Determine the geographical area you must cover and ensure that both options meet your range requirements.

3.   Power Consumption

Evaluate the power consumption limitations of your IoT devices and consider the battery life required for your application.

4.   Data Rate and Payload Size

Determine the frequency and volume of data transmission needed for your IoT application.

5.   Scalability

Consider the number of devices you plan to deploy and the potential for future expansion. Evaluate if LoRa or LoRaWAN can handle your scalability requirements.

6.   Infrastructure

Assess the availability and compatibility of LoRa gateways in your target deployment area.

You can select the IoT solution that aligns with your project goals and requirements by carefully considering these factors.

Case Studies

To gain a better understanding of real-world implementations, let’s explore a couple of case studies:

1.   Smart City Solution

A city implemented a LoRaWAN network to connect various smart devices, including streetlights, parking sensors, and waste management systems. The scalability and bi-directional communication of LoRaWAN allowed them to efficiently manage many devices while enabling data-driven decision-making for improved city services.

2.   Environmental Monitoring

A company deployed LoRa sensors across a large agricultural area to monitor soil moisture levels and weather conditions. The long-range capabilities of LoRa technology enabled them to cover vast distances with minimal infrastructure. The low power consumption of LoRa devices resulted in extended battery life, reducing maintenance efforts.

These case studies highlight how LoRa and LoRaWAN have been successfully utilized in different applications, showcasing their strengths and benefits.


Choosing the right IoT solution between LoRa and LoRaWAN depends on your specific requirements and project needs. LoRa offers exceptional range, low power consumption, and cost-effectiveness, while LoRaWAN provides scalability, bi-directional communication, and robust network management capabilities.

Evaluate factors such as range, power consumption, data rate, scalability, and infrastructure requirements before making a decision. Consider real-world case studies and consult with experts to ensure the optimal choice for your IoT deployment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Are LoRa and LoRaWAN compatible with each other?

Yes, LoRa devices are compatible with LoRaWAN. LoRaWAN is the protocol that allows LoRa devices to connect to a network and communicate with the central server. LoRa devices serve as the physical layer, while LoRaWAN handles the networking and management aspects.

Q2: What is the network coverage of LoRa and LoRaWAN?

LoRa and LoRaWAN can achieve long-range coverage, typically several kilometers in open areas. However, the coverage range can vary based on environmental factors, interference, and the number of gateways deployed in the area. It is important to assess your specific deployment area and consider the need for gateway placement for optimal coverage.

Q3: Can LoRa and LoRaWAN devices communicate with other wireless devices?

LoRa and LoRaWAN operate on their own specific protocol and modulation scheme. While they can communicate with devices within their respective networks, interoperability with other wireless devices using different protocols may require additional gateways or bridging solutions.

Q4: Are there any additional costs associated with deploying LoRa or LoRaWAN?

It depends on the number of devices, the infrastructure needs, and the network management processes that determine the cost of deploying LoRa or LoRaWAN. While LoRa technology eliminates the need for costly infrastructure, LoRaWAN may require investments in gateways and network servers. It is advisable to evaluate the overall cost implications for your specific deployment and consider the long-term benefits.

Q5: Are there any challenges in implementing LoRa or LoRaWAN?

Implementing LoRa or LoRaWAN can involve challenges such as gateway placement for optimal coverage, network planning, and device management. It is crucial to assess the available infrastructure, network management capabilities, and consult with experts to ensure a successful deployment.

The MacBook Pro is a powerful and portable laptop that has become a popular choice for professionals and power users.

MacBook Pro is a line of high-performance laptops designed and manufactured by Apple Inc. It is aimed at professionals and power users who require a fast and powerful computer for tasks such as video editing, programming, and graphic design.

The macbook pro 16 m2 comes in two display sizes, 13-inch and 16-inch, with various configurations and options for storage, memory, and graphics. The latest models are equipped with Apple’s M1 chip, which provides exceptional performance and energy efficiency.

Some of the key features of the macbook pro 16 include a high-resolution Retina display, a backlit keyboard, a Touch Bar that offers context-sensitive controls, and the latest version of macOS, Apple’s operating system.

Here are some reasons why the MacBook Pro is such a popular choice.

Design and Build Quality: The MacBook Pro features a sleek and modern design, with a thin and lightweight profile that makes it easy to carry around. The build quality is also top-notch, with a sturdy and durable construction.

Performance and Power: The MacBook Pro is powered by powerful processors that allow for smooth and fast performance. This makes it a great choice for power users who need to run demanding applications and workflows.

Keyboard and Trackpad: The MacBook Pro features a backlit keyboard and large trackpad that provide a comfortable and responsive typing and navigating experience.

Display and Audio: The MacBook Pro features a high-resolution Retina display that provides crisp and clear visuals. The audio quality is also top-notch, with stereo speakers that provide a rich and immersive sound experience.

Battery Life and Portability: The MacBook Pro provides long battery life that allows users to work on-the-go without having to worry about running out of power. The device is also lightweight and easy to carry, making it a great choice for people who are constantly on the move.

Software and Connectivity: The MacBook Pro runs on Apple’s macOS operating system, which is optimised for productivity and creativity. It also features a variety of connectivity options, including Thunderbolt 3 ports, USB-C ports, and Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity.

Overall, the MacBook Pro is a powerful and portable workhorse that provides a top-notch user experience. Its combination of performance, design, and functionality make it a popular choice for professionals and power users who need a device that can handle demanding tasks and workflows.


In conclusion, Apple’s lineup of devices, including the iPhone, iPad Pro, Apple Pencil, and MacBook Pro, offer a unique and versatile experience for users. Each device is designed with specific features and capabilities that cater to a variety of needs, from productivity and creativity to entertainment and connectivity. Overall, Apple’s devices offer a unique and cohesive ecosystem that provides users with a seamless and integrated experience. They continue to innovate and push the boundaries of technology, providing users with cutting-edge devices that are both functional and stylish.

Many individuals who want to share a movie with others just send along the video’s YouTube URL. However, if the recipient does not have the YouTube app or the video does not play without delay on his end, sending the link to the video is useless. If you want to increase the other person’s likelihood of successfully playing the video you sent them, it is recommended that you utilise a YouTube downloader to store the movie on your computer beforehand. The downloader is useful when you don’t want to annoy anybody else with the really large movie you’ve downloaded. This movie is rather huge, however you are free to convert it to an audio mp3 with a lesser file size if watching the video is not a priority of yours.

Free YouTube downloader

There are several video downloaders can be found on YouTube, and among their many features, many allow for conversion. Many of these resources demand a payment before you can access their full functionality. You can Download YT videos easily with Vidloder there. Remember that there are many more free software that do the same tasks. It is strongly suggested that you use the free resource. Do not place your trust in any virtual tool and carry out the transaction. Making the required concessions to get advantages that would otherwise cost money is preferable than paying for them out of pocket.

Pick a download manager

On several instances, you may decide that you do not want to get the movie in mp4 format. If you’re in a situation where you just need audio and video isn’t necessary, you may choose for the conversion. By doing the conversion, you will be able to get the required file in a size that is manageable, one that is easy to retain, and one that can be simply shared. Choose a video downloader that lets you change the output format to one that will play on your device.

Choose HD quality

Finding a high-quality version of the video to download from YouTube should be a priority. Find out which downloader gives you the best outcomes in terms of getting the movie and music downloaded for this reason by doing some research.

Just the basics

Because many online tools compromise user security, it is important to exercise due diligence and knowledge while choosing an online tool. As you Download YT videos easily with Vidloder you can expect the best. To get the most out of video downloaders, you need to know how to choose the right one for your needs.

Instagram is one of the most popular forms of social media, and it is a great platform for businesses to engage with their target audience. But if you want to get the most out of your profile, you need to make sure that you are getting the right kind of likes. Buying Instagram likes can be a great way to boost your profile visibility and reach a wider audience, but there are some things that you should know before you make the purchase. In this article, we will look at what you need to know before buying Instagram likes.

  1. Quality of the Likes

When you are buying Instagram likes, you need to make sure that you are getting quality likes. Look for likes from real, active users that are within your target audience. The more targeted the likes are, the more effective they will be.

  1. Use Reputable Sources

Many companies offer Instagram likes, but not all of them are reliable. Look for companies that have a good track record and customer reviews. Check the company’s website to see what type of services they provide, and make sure that they use real accounts to boost engagement, rather than bots. Also, read their terms and conditions and make sure they guarantee delivery, provide secure payments, and offer customer support.

  1. Know Your Budget

Before you buy Instagram likes 2023, you need to decide how much you are willing to spend. The cost of the likes will depend on the source and the number that you are buying. Make sure that you have a budget in mind before you make the purchase.

  1. Determine How Many Likes You Need

Before you buy Instagram likes, you need to determine how many likes you need. This will help you figure out how much you need to spend and which source you should use.

  1. Analyze Your Results

Once you have purchased your Instagram likes, you need to monitor the performance of your profile. Look at the number of likes that you are getting and the engagement on your posts. This will help you determine if buying Instagram likes was worth it.

  1. Don’t buy too Many Likes

If you buy too many likes, it can look suspicious to your followers and it can hurt your profile. Only buy as many likes as you need and make sure that they are spread out over several posts.

  1. Look for Discounts

Buying Instagram likes can be expensive, so you should look for discounts when you can. Many companies offer discounts for bulk purchases or repeat customers.

  1. Monitor the Likes

Once you have bought the likes, you need to keep an eye on them. Make sure that the likes are from real, active users and those they are staying active. If the likes start to drop off, it could be a sign that you need to purchase more.

The success of any Instagram account lies in the number of views and followers it has. Organic views are considered to be more reliable and genuine than other types of views as they attract more engagement and loyalty. There are various ways to gain organic views on Instagram and it is important to choose the right techniques to ensure success. 

 In this blog post, we will be looking at how businesses and individuals can utilize different methods to increase their organic views on Instagram. We will discuss the different tactics that can be employed to maximize views without relying on any paid services. We will also analyze the different pros and cons of each method to help you decide which ones you should incorporate in your social media marketing plan. By the end of this blog post, you will have a clear understanding of how you can use different strategies to increase your organic views on Instagram.

Utilizing Hashtags

One of the best ways to gain organic views on Instagram is by utilizing hashtags. Hashtags are a great way to help people discover your content. By using hashtags that are relevant to your content, you can increase the visibility of your posts and stories, attracting new followers and potential customers. You should use hashtags that are popular among your target audience, as well as hashtags that are specific to the content you are sharing. 

Engaging with your Audience

Engaging with your audience is one of the most important steps to gaining organic views for Instagram. When you engage with your followers, you let them know that you appreciate their presence and feedback. This can be done by responding to comments, liking posts, and possibly even following other people in your niche. 

Posting Consistently

Consistency is key when it comes to gaining organic views for your Instagram posts. Studies have shown that people who post on a regular basis receive more views than those who don’t. It’s important to keep in mind that your followers or potential followers have a limited attention span, so if you don’t post anything for a long time, they’ll forget about you. 


Gaining organic views for Instagram requires dedication and creativity. You can start by engaging with your audience, creating content that resonates with them, and finding ways to increase visibility like hashtags and collaborations. With some effort and consistency, you’ll be able to see results in the form of organic views and followers. And that’s how you can get the most out of your Instagram presence.

Cloud computing has revolutionized the way businesses operate, offering flexible and scalable solutions for storing, processing, and managing data. However, with the abundance of options and variables, it can be difficult for organizations to optimize their cloud costs and avoid overspending. In this article, we’ll share five tips for optimizing cloud costs, including a spotlight on Dedicatted, a company that specializes in helping businesses optimize their cloud usage and expenses.

  1. Understand Your Cloud Usage

The first step in optimizing your cloud costs is understanding how you’re using the cloud. This includes identifying which resources are being utilized, how often they’re being used, and for what purpose. By analyzing your cloud usage patterns, you can identify areas for improvement and potential cost savings.

  1. Use Cost Management Tools

There are several tools available that can help you track and manage your cloud costs. These tools allow you to monitor your usage and expenses in real-time, identify areas of waste or overspending, and set alerts to notify you of any unexpected cost spikes.

  1. Right-Size Your Resources

One common mistake businesses make when using the cloud is over-provisioning resources. This means paying for more resources than you actually need, leading to unnecessary expenses. To avoid this, it’s important to right-size your resources based on your actual usage patterns. This may involve adjusting the number of resources you’re using, the size of those resources, or the frequency with which they’re used.

  1. Utilize Cost-Effective Options

There are often several options available for each type of cloud resource, and some may be more cost-effective than others. For example, choosing a reserved instance over an on-demand instance can save you money in the long run. It’s important to carefully compare the costs and benefits of different options to determine the most cost-effective solution for your business.

  1. Consider a Cloud Cost Optimization

Partner Optimizing cloud costs can be a complex and time-consuming process, especially for organizations with limited resources or expertise. That’s where Dedicatted comes in. Dedicatted is a company that specializes in helping businesses optimize their cloud usage and expenses. They offer a range of services, including cloud cost assessments, cost optimization strategies, and ongoing support to ensure that your cloud costs are optimized for maximum efficiency.

Optimize Your Cloud Costs and Get the Most Out of Your Investment

Cloud cost optimization is crucial for businesses looking to get the most value out of their cloud investments. By understanding your usage patterns, utilizing cost management tools, right-sizing your resources, choosing cost-effective options, and considering a cloud cost optimization partner like Dedicatted, you can save money and increase efficiency in your organization’s cloud usage.

Mods are user-created modifications to games that allow for increased customization and functionality. Minecraft is no different, and there are a variety of mods available for the mobile version of the game. While some mods can be purchased, many are available for free.

Finding Free Mods:

  1. Look for websites that offer free downloads of Minecraft mods.

Several websites offer free downloads of Minecraft mods. A simple Google search will reveal a number of these websites. Be sure to carefully read the description of each mod to ensure that it is compatible with your device and the version of Minecraft that you are using.

  1. Check out online forums for discussions on free Minecraft mods.

There are many online forums dedicated to discussing Minecraft MOD APK. These forums are a great place to find out about new mods, as well as get advice on which mods are worth downloading.

  1. Use social media to find free Minecraft mods.

Social media is a great way to connect with other Minecraft players and find out about new mods. Be sure to follow Minecraft-related pages and hashtags on social media to stay up-to-date on the latest free mods.

  1. Ask fellow Minecraft players if they know of any good free mods.

Chances are if you know someone who plays Minecraft, they also know about some great free mods. Ask around and see if anyone can recommend any good mods for you to try out. Be sure to install them in the correct folder, or they won’t work.

  1. Check out YouTube videos for demonstrations of free Minecraft mods.

Many YouTube videos showcase different Minecraft mods. These videos can be a great way to see if a mod is something that you would be interested in downloading.

Installing Free Mods:

  1. Download the mod files to your computer.

Once you have found a mod that you would like to minecraft mod apk download, you will need to download the mod files to your computer. Be sure to download the files to a location that you will remember, as you will need to access them later.

  1. Connect your device to your computer.

Using a USB cable, connect your device to your computer. Once your device is connected, you will be able to transfer files between the two.

  1. Copy the mod files to your device.

Using your computer’s file explorer, navigate to the location where you saved the mod files. Select the files and copy them to your device. Open the file manager app on your device and navigate to the location where you copied the mod files. Tap on the APK file and select “Install”.

  1. Install the mod files on your device.

There are a few different ways to install mods on your device. The most common method is to use an app called BlockLauncher. Once you have BlockLauncher installed, you can use it to install mods by opening the mod files and tapping “Install.”

  1. Enjoy your new mods!

Once you have installed your mods, you can start enjoying the increased customization and functionality that they provide. Be sure to explore all of the different features that your mods have to offer.

When dealing with businesses, HVAC work can be complex and taxing. More businesses are looking for tech tools to ease this complexity. HVAC software is the solution and has continued proving to be an invaluable addition to your business. With the right HVAC Software, you can meet customer demands, keep an eye on inventory and equipment and efficiently manage your team and technicians. Keeping in mind that you need real-time or near response to HVAC tasks, paying extra attention to the software and ensuring you select a solution that facilitates effectiveness should be emphasized. The software vendor is an overlooked aspect that can determine how you enjoy the solution. Below are some points to consider when selecting an HVAC software vendor.

Experience and expertise

The HVAC industry entails a lot, and software built by a provider unfamiliar with the industry can be less likely to meet your expectations. How about selecting an option built by vendors with your HVAC business in mind? Making sure that the HVAC software vendor specializes in the field or has experience provides you with an edge since you will save on time because they will be up to speed with your needs. The software provider’s industry experience means that they understand your pain points. Hence, the software aims to address these concerns and improve your operations. Review how long the vendor has been around, and examine their portfolio to find out if they are active or have worked with other clients in your industry.

Customer support

Even the most direct software can irritate you, especially if you are unfamiliar with technology. Furthermore, you’ll need upgrades to ensure the software is in top shape. It would help if you had technical support to keep your operations running, from troubleshooting to upgrading your software. Thus, a lack of continuous customer support can frustrate or make your efforts to maximize your HVAC software. Ensure that customer support promptly responds and offers the needed assistance. You will know that your business concerns will be addressed through adequate customer support as you progress.


Your budget should be a critical consulting point. It would be better if you had a software vendor in line with your financial budget. Besides, there are a lot of costs that can help you select the best software and vendor. Factors like features help determine if the software can cater to your needs. Consider your existing tech ecosystem and ensure the software solution seamlessly integrates with your systems. Such a solution ensures you’ll not incur extra costs such as software and hardware.


A software vendor’s reputation greatly emphasizes what and how they deliver. Consider checking ratings and reviews, and this helps you establish if the vendor is reputable and reliable. Adding to reviews on the software vendor’s site, ask them for a list of references affirming their services and products. It is advisable to steer clear of vendors that face consistent complaints unless you wish to add them to the list.

With good HVAC software, you will ensure that your customers appreciate your work and build trust that you’re doing it right. Staying professional is vital, and choosing the best software vendor from the broad market can take a while. Still, it is worth investing your time and work to get the best software that will meet or exceed your expectations.

Despite the fact that most people now use the term “disability” to describe a person with limited or no abilities (in eyesight, speech, cognition, etc.) and that it is a far better term than “handicapped,” “disability” will one day be relegated to the same status. A tremendous amount of progress has been made in the field of digital accessibility over the last two decades. For example, more people are becoming aware of the difficulties people face and the importance of digital equality, elevating the status of what it means to be disabled. Even if the majority of people are unaware of what digital accessibility entails, corporate leaders, government officials, and legal professionals are increasingly aware of the need to assist people who use assistive technology in using technology in a productive and meaningful manner.

As technology becomes more prevalent in our lives and digital inclusion makes it easier for everyone to use it, the gap between disabled and non-disabled people narrows. Although we are not yet at the point where we can say that specific technology has eliminated all of the problems that a person with a disability may face, it has made dealing with life’s difficulties significantly easier. Even though I believe that science and technology will one day eliminate all or the vast majority of disabilities, I recognize that this day is still a long way off. Even though I won’t be able to attend the event, I can fantasize about it.

Getting Around

Consider what it was like for a blind person to communicate, travel, and shop in the middle of the twentieth century to get a sense of how far technology has progressed in the last 50 years.

There are landlines, typewriters, and Braille materials available.

We had limited access to books, periodicals, and newspapers through blind-specific libraries that mailed them to us. We couldn’t read the labels on medicine bottles or soup cans, and there were no Braille signs in the buildings. We could hear but not see what was on television.

In the past, there were few transportation options.

Cabs, if they were available in your area, were prohibitively expensive unless you lived in a large city with public transportation. There was no guarantee that passengers would be able to travel by train or plane. There were no instruments to help us find our way or identify our location. Large indoor venues were difficult to navigate, necessitating the use of orientation services or the assistance of the government.

Shopping in Real Stores

Even if you had a job and could get around on your own, you needed help from the company or store owner to buy products and services. This help was not always available. Some people can go shopping on their own, but it can be quite stressful.

Technology has come a long way in the last 50 years! Whether you call it digital access, digital equality, or digital inclusion, the examples below show what good, accessible technology and many innovative ideas have done for us 50 years later in terms of making us more independent and moving us up the equality ladder in a variety of ways.

Communication-Enhancing Technology

Using Zoom, we can now communicate on a variety of devices, from cell phones to computer workstations. We generate reports from anywhere with a Wi-Fi or cell signal by using word processors, email, and text messaging. We can read almost any magazine, book, or newspaper that comes to mind. Prescription bottles and canned, boxed, and packaged grocery store items are now widely available. Excellent assistive technology, such as screen readers, magnifiers, automated captioning systems, and easily accessible digital content, has contributed to this. We can now watch a variety of television shows thanks to the introduction of descriptive video services (DVS). The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) has resulted in the majority of buildings having Braille labels on room signs and elevator buttons.

It’s Easy to Plan a Trip

Rail and air travel are now safe in many parts of the world, and mobile ridesharing makes it simple to get around cities. GPS has increased our flexibility and made walking and driving more convenient. Apps like AIRA and Be My Eyes use augmented reality to stream live assistance from a sighted person to our mobile devices, allowing us to walk independently in unfamiliar environments like large buildings.

Shopping Has Gone Digital

The ability to have virtually anything delivered directly to one’s home has made it significantly easier to obtain what one desires in the last five years. Not only has online shopping enabled us to have items mailed to us, but it has also provided us with access to products and services that we would not have known about if we had shopped in a store. Furthermore, despite the COVID-19 pandemic, grocery delivery will continue to exist.

Yes, things have improved, but they are still far from ideal. Accessibility still requires significant effort to improve and become the norm (expectation). PDFs and web forms are frequently inaccessible to people with disabilities because they lack basic elements that would allow them to be used. We could make travel easier if we had more freedom in where we went, but shopping on many e-commerce sites remains difficult. However, life is far better today than it was even twenty years ago.

Accessibility Has Improved As A Result Of Technological Advancements.

All of these advancements have brought us a long way toward being able to perform routine tasks that most people take for granted. Technology has enabled much progress, but much of it has also been designed to make life easier for the majority of people. A common adage is “one person’s convenience is another person’s accessibility.” Food delivery benefits many people, but those who are unable to drive or navigate a grocery store due to poor vision must have it.

Technology will continue to help bridge the gap between people with and without disabilities. Wearable technology, for example, will be able to see, hear, and comprehend what is going on around us thanks to 5G networks and ultra-fast AI (Artificial Intelligence) and ML (Machine Learning) systems. Access to digital information such as web pages, multimedia, mobile applications, and standard office documents is improving, but access to some digital content is only now being investigated. Technology continues to infiltrate every aspect of our lives, from the touch displays on our appliances and workout equipment to the climate controls in our homes. If we are to realize our dream of full inclusion, we must also have full access to various types of digital content.

Even though technological progress has improved the lives of millions, true digital equality remains a long way off. Whatever your point of view, digital access is here to stay. Accept it and keep improving it by raising awareness, teaching people, and collaborating until it is no longer a specialized skill set that people try to avoid and becomes the norm for effective digital solutions that make our lives easier and more enjoyable.

On May 19, 2022, we will celebrate Global Accessibility Day and learn how we can all make everyone’s lives easier by making all digital technologies more accessible. Click here to learn more about QualityLogic’s simple digital accessibility starter kit for your company.